[Conference-europe] when and where

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 12:14:36 PDT 2014

On Aug 22, 2014 4:01 PM, "Karel Charvat" <charvat at ccss.cz> wrote:
> OK, I will try to thinking how o organise Commercial track, I need some
days to thinking about this. We also need to speak about some good way of

Cool, thank you, Karel. Dirk might have also some valuable inputs to the


Now many big players, is working with Open Source, for example Atos,
Intrasoft and others. They are usually only passive consumers of OS, but on
other side, they are important towards, business, INSPIRE, OGC. And of
cause main users are SMEs and MicroSMEs. So we can try to organise some
section like FOSS for business, business for Open Source.
> Other aspects, which probably has to be addressed and is specific
European and could attract some community and could be good to discuss is
OS in European Projects. There is many EC funded project working with GI
and almost all are using FOSS. On other side only limited number of core
FOSS developers is participating on such projects. SO probably organise
such track and also try to invite Commission could be useful. In any case
will be good, if anybody from FOSS4GI will go to direct contact with
Commission. I am sure, that I will be probably help and advice whom contact
on Commission, or eventually made introduction
> Karel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: conference-europe-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:
conference-europe-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Mateusz Łoskot
> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 9:28 AM
> To: Karel Charvat
> Cc: foss4g-europe
> Subject: Re: [Conference-europe] when and where
> On 22 August 2014 02:24, Karel Charvat <charvat at ccss.cz> wrote:
> > I think, that umber of attendants is something, what is difficult
predictable. Not so easy to reach 200 attendants.
> >
> > I am all time thinking, how to do something, what could attract larger
community. It seems to me, that till now we didn't succeed to attract
commercial sector to broader participation. Seems to me, that maximum 5 -
10 percent of companies, who are using Open Source GI technologies, are
participating on such events.
> Good points Karel.
> > More and more of so called Apps developers including independent
developers is out of communities very often utilising other products or
starting from scratch.  Seems for me critical, how to attract people.
> program + time + location
> where the program is what we've got full control of, the two other are
more objective decisions/limitations
> > OGC and INPIRE are important for business, because their standards
define rules, which I as private company has accept.
> Agreed.
> > I think, that academic track is good, but in some way, for me as
representative of businesses seems for me FOOS4GI more academic oriented.
> >
> > I would like to vote and also discuss something like commercial section.
> Could you give a summary of major goals of such commercial section?
> What is the idea, roughly?
> Are you thinking about companies presenting products, demos?
> I always thought a conference is slightly different event than a trade
fair (like Intergeo is), but I may be misunderstanding your idea, so please
> Best regards,
> --
> Mateusz  Łoskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
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