[Conference-europe] work organising

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at osgeo.org
Mon Oct 13 23:50:49 PDT 2014

El 14/10/14 a las #4, Luca Delucchi escribió:
> On 13 October 2014 20:25, Jorge Sanz <jsanz at osgeo.org> wrote:
>> Done.
> thanks
>> Please go yourself to the list and subscribe.
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/conference-europe-private
>> List characteristics:
>> - It's not announced on the OSGeo mailman lists overview
>> - Archives are kept only for subscribers, so no Nabble/Google archiving
>> - I've created the list of topics but I haven't activated the topic filtering.
>> If you go to your options page you'll see the topics. If we enable the
>> topics you'll be able to subscribe to all mails or just to the topics
>> you are interested. Topics are filtered using [xxx] on the subject,
>> following  Maria's categorisation: at, gt, it, etc.
> cool!
>> I think it's work to try the topics thing, even there is a chance that
>> you forget the header on the subject when you write your mail and only
>> those subscribed to all messages will receive it. What do you think?
> I don't know, it is possible to don't accept mails without categorization?
> For general communication we could use the public mailing list

If you go to your options page you'll see two sections about topics:
First is to select the topics you are interested (checkboxes). Second is
to choose to receive mails that don't match any topic filter.

And yes, I agree that for anything not related directly with a working
group we should use this list for broader audience.

>> Cheers

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

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