[Workshops] FOSS4G 2008 workshop (and school GIS) PC specs - urgent reply required

Gavin Fleming GavinF at mintek.co.za
Wed Aug 27 07:01:52 EDT 2008

Hi all


I'm in discussions with a PC supplier (www.sahara.co.za
<http://www.sahara.co.za/> ) who might be able to give us a purchase
price to compete with our hire costs. We need to wrap this up ASAP else
we'll be placing a hire order on Friday. 


Primary Use: FOSS4G 2008 workshops and labs.

End use: OSGeo / GISSA donate the PCs to South African schools for GIS
education as part of GISSA's 'Adopt-a-school' program. In the Western
Cape this would be in collaboration with Khanya. 


Please urgently send me 'minimum - nice-to-have' specs for the PCs if
you don't agree with mine:


Basics: Ethernet, USB, mouse, keyboard, DVD-ROM


RAM: 1GB - 2GB

Processor: 32 bit, Pentium dual core 3.5MHz - ?

Video card: 256MB - ?

Screen size: 17" CRT - 19" LCD


OS and Software to be imaged:

OS: Buy / hire XP licences (Professional?). If we hire them we could set
them up with Ubuntu and a full GIS and education stack afterwards. But
XP is necessary for the conference to handle the variety of Wndows and
non-Windows apps being used. 




Google Earth





Anything else?





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