[Workshops] PostGIS installation on workshop machines

Justin Deoliveira jdeolive at opengeo.org
Fri Sep 12 09:54:57 EDT 2008

We are flexible on the versions of postgres/postgis, as long as its 
relatively recent. I like the plan of using postgres/postgres as the 


graeme mcferren wrote:
> Justin, Judit and others interested in PostGIS
> This makes eminent sense to install in this way - but I am just
> concerned about people needing different versions of Postgresql and
> PostGIS
> I suspect that we may want PostGIS 1.3.3 (which is what I have been
> working with) and unless there are issues with Postgresql 8.2.9, perhaps
> we can settle on this combination?
> Tomcat is 5.5.27
> Regards
> Graeme
> On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 09:45 +0200, Judit Mays wrote:
>> Hello Justin,
>> yes there are others who need Postgres/PostGIS. I very much like your suggestion
>> of pre-installation.
>> My personal choice for username/password would be postgres/postgres.
>> But if there are other easy to remember suggestions, please let me know.
>> As for postgres/postgis version I would prefer 8.2.9 but any 8.2.x will do as
>> well. And if postgres is pre-installed, then the PostGIS (1.3) can easily be
>> installed along with postgres (just by enabling the spacial extension), right?
>> I had already described my preferences to Graeme McFerren. I would also need a
>> database of a specified name ("configtool"). I didn't intend on doing the
>> install and db creation in the lab itself, since the lab is only 90 minutes. If
>> I would have to do so after all, then I would need to know early enough, so I
>> could rearrange my lab schedule.
>> Kind regards,
>> Judit

Justin Deoliveira
Software Engineer, OpenGeo

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