[Workshops] Almost on topic: accommodation
Oscar Fonts
oscar.fonts.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 03:40:20 EDT 2010
We have some OSM links:
Workshops venue (6,7) - Facultat d'InformĂ tica de Barcelona, UPC Campus Nord:
* http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.389456&mlon=2.113296&zoom=18&layers=B000FTF
Congress venue (7-9) - Fira Montjuic:
* http://www.openstreetmap.org/index.html?mlat=41.372328&mlon=2.151432&zoom=15&layers=B000FTF
Codesprint venue (10) - CitiLab CornellĂ :
* http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=41.359847&mlon=2.061653&zoom=18&layers=B000FTF
(Via: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2010#Congress_venue)
And, some low-cost accomodation (youth hostels):
Hope this helps a bit,
2010/6/3 Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>:
> This one is almost on topic - I want to sort out my travel plans prior to registering; and my accommodation plans fell through.
> I found it very difficult to sort out where the conference is and what hotels are nearby; the venue map is pretty terrible; and google maps trips up over the address :-)
> For anyone in the same boat I found the following page more helpful:
> - http://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/en/business/palau-de-congressos-de-barcelona.html_______________________________________________
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