[Workshops] Testing workshop material

Andrea Aime andrea.aime at geo-solutions.it
Sun Sep 8 06:03:03 PDT 2013

On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 11:04 PM, Matt Walker <
walkermatt at longwayaround.org.uk> wrote:

> Two of the computer labs will be available on Monday 16th to allow
> workshop organisers to test their workshop material. Hallward Library:
> LG101 will be available at 11:00 while Sir Clive Granger Building: B26e
> will be available at 14:00.
> Hallward Library: LG101 has an equivalent software set up to Sir Clive
> Granger Building: B29 A & B and Trent B16.
> B26e has a different set up, so if your workshop is in that room you
> should try your workshop material in that room - otherwise please test in
> Hallward LG101.
> I'd strongly encourage all workshop organisers to take advantage of this
> opportunity particularly if you are looking to connect to the internet
> (which will require configuring the university proxy settings), to use a
> local login, or to use your own Live DVD or USB package.
> If you are unable to attend on the Monday then please let me know as we
> may be able to arrange an alternative time.

Hi Matt,
I've tried to get this information a few weeks ago without success, and had
to book
my flight in the meantime.
Unfortunately I'll be there on Monday, but I'll land at Stansted at 12.00,
rent a car, so I should be there around 15.00-16.00.
Our workshops are both B16 and B29 A, so it seems I'm out of luck with the
allowed testing times (I do need to test a local login scenario, our
workshops do not require to install anything but we need to unzip a package
on the local hard drive).
Any chance I can get into the labs late afternoon?

By the way, can you confirm the machines in those labs are Win 7 32 bits
with 4GB of RAM?


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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
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