[OSGeo-Conf] 2009 RFP draft review

Thierry Badard Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
Wed Oct 24 21:55:44 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam a écrit :
> Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone for attending the draft meeting today.  I've 
>> incorporated everyone's feedback into the document, available below. 
>> Please take a look and if we don't hear anything by the end of the day 
>> tomorrow we'll go ahead with the RFP release tomorrow.
> Jeff,
> The "Support by OSGeo" section still contains the phrase "It is, however,
> intended that the conference be essentially revenue neutral after 
> completion."
> This needs to be changed to reflect our intent to produce a substantial
> profit for OSGeo as part of the conference.
> Best regards,


Here are some minor suggestions and corrections :

1) The "Committee Question Period" section mentions "A period between 
the solicitation closing date and the decision date (01/11/08 to 
01/25/08) ...", but the decision date is February 1st, 2008 ;-). The 
sentence should then be rephrased as for instance: "A period between the 
solicitation closing date, 01/11/08 and 01/25/08 ...".

2) To my mind, addition of a section entitled "Important dates" would be 
a good idea. It will act as a simple and practical reminder of important 
steps in the submission process.

3) In the "evaluation criteria" section, it is stated that all prices 
should be in USD in your proposal. During the meeting this day, it has 
been mentioned it would be important to add a date for currency 
conversion. For instance USD January 1st. Currency values sometimes 
change rapidly and in important proportions (e.g. $CA ;-) ). As budgets 
are often performed in local currency, conversion in USD should be 
performed on the same reference value to allow objective comparison.

4) In point 3.c) of the requirements, I would be more precise by 
specifying "... work and relations with OSGeo (especially with 
conference committee, board and visibility committee)?"

5) In point 5 or 6 of the requirements, I would add an item about 
available working and meeting facilities (rooms for small business 
meeting, rooms with tables and power supply facilities in order to be 
able to work with laptops during the conference, ...), number of rooms, 
number of places per room, pricing, available options (e.g. video 
projectors) and prices.

Hoping it helps.

Best regards,


Prof. Thierry Badard, Ph.D.

Professeur au Département des sciences géomatiques
Chercheur régulier au Centre de Recherche en Géomatique
Chercheur régulier du Réseau de Centres d'Excellence GEOIDE
Chercheur collaborateur de la chaire de recherche
industrielle en base de données géospatiales décisionnelles
Responsable du projet de formation sur les normes
internationales en géomatique
Administrateur du projet open source GeOxygene

Département des sciences géomatiques
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Pavillon Louis-Jacques Casault
1055, avenue du Séminaire
Local 1343
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6

Tél.: (418) 656-7116 - Fax: (418) 656-7411
Courriel : Thierry.Badard at scg.ulaval.ca
Web: http://geosoa.scg.ulaval.ca


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