[OSGeo-Conf] Re:FOSS4G Conference Presentations and an academictrack

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue May 26 12:50:18 EDT 2009

If we're starting to get good at this (and it seems, with the
reviewers and the journal system and all that) perhaps a direct route
to having an ISBN, etc, would be to publish a proceedings each year on
Lulu. Hard copies available, ISBN, etc.


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
<tmitchell at osgeo.org> wrote:
> On 21-May-09, at 5:27 PM, Jorge Gustavo Rocha wrote:
>> 2) Create a representative scientific committee (this can start right
>> now; some other members can be added later), by:
> FYI - we have just been starting to good sized set of reviewers for the
> OSGeo Journal - many of them would be interested and capable for this
> committee.  At any point some of the discussion can be moved over to that
> list if you like.
>> 3) Making all possible contacts with reputed journals/books, to start a
>> reference publication related to OSGeo/FOSS4G. Thierry suggestion make
>> sense; we can work with other institutions like ICA and alike to have
>> the best possible printed publication, if we don't have enough high
>> quality papers to create our own volume.
>> 4) Install and configure an open source platform to handle the blind
>> reviewing process (that's easy; OpenConf can be used for the job). The
>> reviewing process will take place in August.
> We also have the Open Journal System (OJS) available if needed.
> Also, please note that the OSGeo Journal already has an ISSN (serial
> publication number) but not ISBN.  If there was any interest in having a
> special edition of OSGeo Journal, we could make it work.  I'd personally
> love to see the Journal used for this purpose as it's a valuable resource,
> though I recognise that some authors might rather prefer a commercial
> publisher.
> I'm unclear about the need to have its own ISBN when many papers are
> presented in Journals regularly which would have ISSN, but last year that
> was a limitation.
> Tyler
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