[OSGeo-Conf] From the Denver LOC
Eric Wolf
ebwolf at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 12:11:18 EDT 2010
OSGeo Conference Committee Members:
On behalf of the Denver LOC, thank you for advancing us to the next round
unopposed and thank you for making the process both better defined (i.e.,
2011 will be in North America) and more approachable (just a 2-page letter
of intent instead of a full proposal).
This week happens to be a very busy week for the Denver LOC. Most of the
members are in Phoenix at the GITA Infrastructure Solutions conference. And,
obviously, our partners with GITA have their hands full.
It is our intentions to move forward as quickly as possible, especially
given that much our full proposal will be a rework of last years' proposal.
To expedite the process, please feel free to review the proposal we
submitted last year and let us know of anything that proposal lacks that you
would like to see specifically addressed.
Of course, on everybody's mind is the question "When?" In our proposal last
year, we were very clear about the dates of the conference. For several
reasons, such as conflicting conferences, the Denver LOC would like to
explore other dates with the Conference Committee. I will begin the process
my creating a list on the Wiki of Fall 2011 conferences and events that may
be seen to conflict:
On behalf of the Denver LOC,
-Eric Wolf
Eric B. Wolf New! 720-334-7734
USGS Geographer
Center of Excellence in GIScience
PhD Student
CU-Boulder - Geography
GPG Public Key: http://www.h4h.net/ebwolf.public.key.txt
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
> wrote:
> I'm glad to see the discussions with the Denver, Bogota, and
> ConferenceDirect groups. I purposely did not comment/reject anything at the
> beginning, because I wanted each group to have a fair say at this stage.
> Kevin/ConferenceDirect
> ======================
> Thanks so much for offering your services. I like your enthusiasm and
> energy, and I hope that we can work with you (with a local partner) in a
> future FOSS4G event.
> Eduin/Bogota committee
> ======================
> I was happy to read your letter about your plan to host FOSS4G. I think
> the letter serves as a great introduction of Latin America to the rest of
> the world, as a strong supporter of FOSS4G at both the state and private
> sectors, as you mentioned. (aside: I hope every OSGeo conference committee
> member took the time to read the Bogota group's letter) I also appreciate
> you mentioning that you would like to have Latin America considered as a
> region, to host the FOSS4G event; I agree, Latin America and South America
> must be considered as a region to host the event, so this is something that
> I will be sure to discuss with the rest of the OSGeo conference committee
> members.
> Eric/Denver committee
> =====================
> Your letter clearly outlines your very strong local committee team, the
> experience of your partnering organizer GITA, and your raw enthusiasm. I
> particularly like your goal of breaking attendance records; other OSGeo
> conference committee members probably disagree with me there, but, I am all
> for getting the good word out to as many as possible. I am looking forward
> to reading your 2011 proposal and budget.
> Stage Two
> =========
> I motion to the rest of the conference committee that the Denver team
> proceeds to stage two of the 2011 hosting process - a full proposal and
> budget. The RFP asks for a North American event in 2011, and the Denver
> team's initial plan meets all of our stage one desires.
> Deadline
> --------
> Denver LOC will have until 23:00 UTC on 2010-05-21
> (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?
> year=2010&month=05&day=21&hour=23&min=0&sec=0) to submit a full proposal
> and proposed budget. I respect that the LOC would like to announce sooner,
> but I think we need this deadline; however the sooner the Denver team can
> submit their full proposal and budget, the sooner we can comment on it and
> announce the decision. I hope that is fair.
> Thanks again to everyone involved (Denver LOC, Bogota LOC,
> ConferenceDirect, OSGeo conference committee).
> -Jeff
> Chair, OSGeo Conference Committee
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