[OSGeo-Conf] name of the game (conference-cee)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Oct 5 16:24:16 EDT 2011

Back in 2008, Paul Ramsey and I saw this coming, and actually requested 
to OSGeo for permissions to create a north american conference (this 
request was declined).  I dug up the prospectus we created and submitted 
to the board (wow it is amazing...talk about forward thinking)...a 
snippet is below.

With the upcoming FOSS4G conferences
located in other areas of the globe (South Africa in 2008 and Australia 
in 2009) there is a clearly
a need for a North American event in the near future.

This document outlines plans for a new event: Teach-in 2009, in the 
early spring of 2009, to be
held in the San Francisco Bay Area region of the United States. This 
event would focus on the
popular workshop aspect of the conference, with 2 days of hands-on 
workshops and only 1 day
for undetermined types of sessions (such as Birds of a Feather, or code 
sprints). Focusing on
workshops would prevent any conflict with the existing FOSS4G events, 
and still allow North
Americans the opportunity to learn FOSS4G from various project 
developers. With the backing
of OSGeo, the “Teach-in 2009, presented by OSGeo” would attract many 
from the Silicon
Valley area.

We had figured out a way to not affect the FOSS4G brand, make OSGeo 
money, and make some money to live off of.

This all makes me kind of sad.

I need to re-think things again.  Sorry if I go quiet again.


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