[OSGeo-Conf] No single, global FOSS4G conference in 2012

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Tue Oct 11 13:53:22 EDT 2011

On 2011/10/11 10:22 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:

> Maybe I was not clear enough. I do believe we should have a North
> American event and it seems to be a fact that we will have a CEE event.
> Both will be at least the same size as the Beijing event and probably
> attract at least the same number of "core tribe members" (ugh, what a
> term - just out of lack for a better one).
> So why not plan for this scenario right away?

>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:10 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf)<seven at arnulf.us
>> <mailto:seven at arnulf.us>>  wrote:

>> This means that we will not have a single meeting of the tribes in 2012.
>> So we need to identify which bits of the global conference cannot be
>> substituted in several editions around the globe. These include:
>> 1. The OSGeo AGM
>> 2. Board F2F meeting
>> 3. Committee F2F meetings
>> 4. and the all important Inter Project communication and collaboration.

One way to plan ahead, and foster communications and appropriate
'FOSS4G branding', would be a requirement that is attached to the
use of "FOSS4G" in a conference name - a requirement that the
conference committee include in their budget the costs of sending
one committee member to each FOSS4G event between when their
event is 'sanctioned' by OSGeo and the date of their event.

That 'requirement' may have to be carefully worded, so as to
achieve the desired effects for 'regional-level' events without
adding undue financial burden to smaller local events.

Such a requirement, coupled with a change to selecting the venue
for the 'global FOSS4G event' two years in advance, would assure
there is the opportunity for face to face cross-communication
between the regional event committees, the 'global event committee',
and members of the OSGeo board in advance of any of the regional
or global events.

Dave Patton
Victoria, B.C.

Degree Confluence Project:
Canadian Coordinator
Technical Coordinator

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