[OSGeo-Conf] Analysing the downfall of FOSS4G 2011
Dave McIlhagga
dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Aug 20 07:48:33 PDT 2012
From my experience, the problem with the current process is that it's a rubber-stamp at the Board level -- so in effect the actual decision is made at the committee level with the board being asked to simply approve.
An improvement could be to have the committee put together a write-up reviewing proposals - perhaps pre-selected criteria to comment on - that the board can use as expert insight before making a decision. In this way the committee can continue to have useful input and influence while leaving the Board to make the actual decision in light of all factors influencing the organization.
I think it would be worthwhile for the board to also review the 3 year rotation process and policies regarding OSGeo engagement with local events, especially in light of the number of regional events that are popping up. For instance, I'm not sure that the rotation is actually required anymore since the regional events may well be serving the original need this was established for.
On 2012-08-20, at 10:26 AM, Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
> On 12-08-20 10:54 AM, Steven Feldman wrote:
>> Perhaps the solution to this discussion would be for the Conference team
>> to continue to review the submissions for the international event (and
>> possibly any regional events that seek financial support or that
>> potentially clash with other events) and make a recommendation to the
>> OSGeo Board for ratification. The board could provide guidance on any
>> criteria (financial, location, experience) that they would like to see
>> incorporated into the Conference group's recommendation.
> Hello Steven,
> In fact this is exactly how the Conference Committee has been operating
> (reviewing submissions, making recommendation to Board).
> I am hearing in this thread though that people want the Board to have
> more say in this entire process.
> Maybe the Board should be tasked with (re)defining a Conference
> Committee "Terms of Reference".
> It is indeed a good time to step back, take a breath, be proud of what
> we accomplished, and make some changes for the future.
> -jeff
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