[OSGeo-Conf] [OSGeo-Discuss] regional conferences

Jachym Cepicky jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 04:54:23 PDT 2012


not sure, if this proposal is the best for the scope of FOSS4G.

As I already wrote in one of previous mails, we have to try to find the
balance between global, semi-regional (approx. continent level) and
regional (GFOSS, FOSSGIS, ...) events.

Another working (not sure, if better) model could be:

* Global event as it is - every year
* Semi-Regional events (NA, E, Asia, ...) - every year too, of course
not on the continent, where the global event is going be organized
* Regional events (GFOSS, FOSSGIS, Geoinformatics, ...) every year but
in e.g. spring

Having global event every second year means implies, that OSGeo meeting
will take place only every second year? And what about people, who would
like to meet other people, but for some reason (usually financial) are
not able to travel to other part of the world?

Any opinion to this?


Dne 16.6.2012 13:42, Maria Brovelli napsal(a):
> +1. I will be happy to help Greek friends in organizing the meeting. Anyway
> I'm wondering if sooner or later is possible to organize a Mediterranean
> conference....
> Maria
> 2012/6/15 Dimitris Kotzinos <kotzino at csd.uoc.gr>
>> Dear all,
>> I saw with great pleasure the call for organizing the 1st Latin America
>> FOSS4G conference.
>> Congrats to the friends there and let me add my offer to help in any
>> possible way to those who preceded me.
>> The purpose of my e-mail though is a bit different. Taking into account
>> the fact the this year we had the North America regional conference, the
>> central European regional conference and now the Latin America Regional
>> Conference I feel that it is due time to move to a mixed scheme of an
>> international and regional conferences.
>> Thus I propose that we have the odd years (starting from 2013) ONLY the
>> international event (our very successful FOSS4G conference) and the even
>> years (starting from 2014) ONLY the regional conferences.
>> Being in a world in crisis where funding for travel becomes more difficult
>> and where people cannot participate in too many conferences in a year I
>> feel that this is an acceptable compromise.
>> So I call upon the board to decide on this proposal and, of course, all of
>> you to argue in favor :) or against!
>> One final note for the European participation on this list: I suggest that
>> we start organizing a regional European level FOSS4G (if there is agreement
>> also integrating in it the Central-Eastern Europe event) starting from
>> 2014. I volunteer Greece to host the first such event (OK, given that
>> things in Greece will not turn out too bad :)).
>> If there is an initial agreement we can organize things a bit more.
>> Thanks for the consideration of both proposals,
>> Dimitris Kotzinos
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Jachym Cepicky
Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o.
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
HS-RS: jachym at hsrs.cz http://bnhelp.cz

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