[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2014 Bid Q&A Period - recording presentations

Darrell Fuhriman darrell at garnix.org
Wed Jul 3 17:10:46 PDT 2013

> The outcome would result is reduced quality presentations (which I don't see as a major problem), and probably only 50% or so of presentations would be recorded, but it would reduce the cost of this line item to close to $0.

I actually do see that as a problem. As I mentioned before, I like to watch sessions from conferences that I do and don't attend, and the difference between a poorly done recording and a professionally done one is night and day. I've given up on interesting talks because they were too annoying to watch (sound cutting in and out, or muffled, washed out slides, etc…)

If ultimately the conference committee feels that's not a valuable investment, then we can have that discussion certainly, but if the budget must be cut, I'd consider other things first.


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