[OSGeo-Conf] Conference software

b.j.kobben at utwente.nl b.j.kobben at utwente.nl
Wed Sep 25 02:32:27 PDT 2013

Hi all,

For the FOSS4g2013 conference we used two separate systems: WordPress for
the main conference site and the presentation and workshops tracks, and
OJS (Open Journal System) [http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/] for the Academic Track

I can't speak for the Wordpress site, that has been done mostly by Barry
Rowlingson and Jo Cook (cc-d). The OJS we used for the AT is installed on
the OSGEO servers, and also used by the OSGEO Journal. The AT chairs (F-J
Behr and myself) experienced OJS as well suited for that particular task,
for a next conference we'd probably want to tweak it a bit further, but in
general it served us well.

Dating back from the ICA-OSGEO MoU the idea was to consolidate the
Academic Track (starting at the ill-fated Beijing conference). I
volunteered for that at the time and carried that over to Nottingham. I'd
suggest that to keep this going, the Portland team sh/could continue using
the same systems, and I am volunteering to coordinate the effort with the
Portland LOC (I understand that Eli Adam would be their AT person).

Barend Köbben 
ITC - University of Twente
PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede (The Netherlands)
+31-(0)53 4874 253

On 25-09-13 10:33, "Jorge Sanz" <jsanz at osgeo.org> wrote:

>2013/9/23 Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. <marco.lechner at fossgis.de>:
>> Hi,
>> the german-speaking OSGeo local chapter D-A-CH announced that it plans
>> to bid for hosting the FOSS4G 2016.
>> Anyway, after years of running the annual FOSSGIS conference (about 400
>> delegates/year), we are unhappy with our software solution assisting our
>> orga-team. Right now we are using a combination of pentabarf [1] (for
>> managing paper ssubmission, review and planing of the program) and
>> CiviCRM [2] on Drupal (for registration, billing and payment). This does
>> not fit our needs and produces too much additional work to be done to
>> fullfill our requirements.
>> We found out that the german linux day, Linuxtag [3], is facing the
>> similar problems. Our recent plans are, to enhance Frab [4] to fit our
>> needs during the next years.
>> May be it is also interesting for organising FOSS4G conferences and
>> anybody wants to participate. Any commends welcome.
>> Best regards - and thank you all for the great elapsed conference in
>> Nottingham
>> Marco
>> FOSSGIS e.V. / OSGeo lc D-A-CH
>> [1] http://pentabarf.org
>> [2] http://civicrm.org/
>> [3] http://www.linuxtag.org
>> [4] http://frab.github.io/frab
>Hi Marco,
>Maybe Drupal is not the path you want to follow but they have a
>distribution specially focused on conferences called COD. I don't have
>experience with this drupal profile, it's just what I know they use
>for their confs.
>Jorge Sanz
>Conference_dev mailing list
>Conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org

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