[OSGeo-Conf] Question Period: Recording

Andrew Ross andrew.ross at eclipse.org
Wed Feb 25 06:19:11 PST 2015

On 25/02/15 08:38, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Committee: this feels to me like something that is so “non negotiable” 
> now that we should include it in the RFP as a required item, like 
> having food and a roof over our heads.

Just a quick +1 to offer enthusiastic support for Paul's position 
regarding recordings.

In addition to some smaller events, recordings were done for FOSS4G's 
2009, 2011, 2013, and 2014. FOSS4G NA 2015 will have recordings as well. 
It's not unreasonable, in my opinion, to make recordings mandatory.

Attendees can only be in one place at a time. So having videos means 
people can catch the sessions they'd otherwise miss. The recordings are 
invaluable as a reference, even for experts to brush up.

Historically, roughly 10x the number of people see the videos compared 
to attending the live session. Being able to watch them on-demand for 
free is a huge thing for newcomers & especially under-represented groups.



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