[OSGeo-Conf] participants events

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 03:23:00 PDT 2015

Yes Till,
I agree, continuing with the code sprint at the end of the conference is 
a good idea. I don't think there is a better alternative to suggest. 
(Sorry if that was not clear in my last email.)


On 15/06/2015 5:05 pm, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> good point, but...  some of the sprinters are also "needed" as 
> workshop chairs - so even if we find a possibility to run the code 
> sprint before the conference, this might cause other trouble ;-)
> What we can offer is the following: We have two smaller rooms (we 
> could get for free) in another building we might use for 
> monday/tuedday to offer room for "project code sprints" or s.th. like 
> that. But I would favor to remain with the code sprint on saturday, 
> it's a little tradintional as well.
> Other opinions?
> Till
> Am 2015-06-14 01:18, schrieb Cameron Shorter:
>> Hi Till,
>> I haven't got metrics from foss4g 2009 code sprint handy, but from
>> memory there were ~ 10% to 20% off conference attendees at the sprint.
>> What I was surprised by was that a code sprint at the end of a
>> conference was not as ideal as I though it would be.
>> Yes, you have so many key people all in the same place at the same
>> time, and you don't want to miss that opportunity.
>> However, by the end of a conference, everyone is tied and a bit
>> feeling a bit flat, and are probably not the the best head space for a
>> code sprint.
>> Cheers, Cameron
>> On 12/06/2015 11:02 pm, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>> Hi Till,
>>> Regarding the Code Sprint, you should have space for 100 attendees. 
>>> I would be sure to have catering (coffee and snacks on morning and 
>>> afternoon break, plus lunch) for 80 attendees.
>>> I still have the FOSS4G-2011 invoices for hosting that code sprint 
>>> in Denver, and I see those rough numbers (space for 100, 77 lunch 
>>> sandwiches).
>>> If these invoices are helpful (listing all those little but 
>>> important items such as power bars and whiteboards) I will share 
>>> them with you confidentially.
>>> PS. and as I've told Sanghee, don't underestimate the importance of 
>>> coffee, to developers it is as important as wifi ha :)
>>> -jeff
>>> On 2015-06-12 3:34 AM, till.adams at fossgis.de wrote:
>>>> Dear conference-list,
>>>> in our recent meeting the question about number of participants for 
>>>> Ice
>>>> Breaker and Code-Sprint came up.
>>>> Is there anybody from past conferences who could give us a rough 
>>>> number,
>>>> just for orientation?
>>>> So far,
>>>> thanks, Till
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

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