[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2018 Dar es Salaam Submission

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Fri Nov 25 06:10:42 PST 2016

Hi all,


- Attendance: prior experience w/ conferences in the "other hemisphere"
have been a lower attendance, and in general, have been that the
"international" component can not be expected to drastically exceed 200,
which means anything beyond that has to be local/regional (ie, a European
conference cannot expect much more than 200 non-European attendees). With
your attendance tranches, of 500, 650, 750, you feel confident in African
attendance of 300, 450, 550?
- Workshops: You've budgeted to rent 30 computers, but have 240 workshop
slots. You could run one classroom over 4 days (8 timeslots) or maybe you
have more classrooms available outside the rental computers? (Also,
remember to rent slightly more computers than you need, to account for
broken gear)
- Design: You've budgeted 10K, which seems very very high, like A/V budget
line high. Usually the design only comes in around 1K.
- Meals: prices are enjoyably low. You have confirmed these w/ the venue
and are not just guesstimating? Sometimes venues have exclusivities on food
and bev and will be much higher than you'd think from your knowledge of
local restaurants, etc.
- Organizer expenses are confirmed w/ organizer company?
- Sponsorship: your sponsorship sheet is wonderful, great to see so many
relevant sponsorship targets already identified.
- A/V: I'm not seeing an A/V line. Along w/ venue and wifi, A/V is usually
one of the largest fixed costs. Rooms need screens, projectors, sound
systems, a plenary hall needs all the the above, only bigger and fancier,
etc, etc. Usually it's pricey.
- Recording: One thing missing from my old model budget (which you've
worked from here) is recording. Recording has been so well done in recent
years, and so important to capturing the value of FOSS4G, that it needs to
be formally budgeted so it happens. This is a place former chairs could
provide guidance and help?

In all, looks OK to me, particularly if the big line items (venue, food,
A/V, Wifi, Recording) have had priced verified against the marketplace.


On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 4:20 PM, Mark Iliffe <markiliffe at gmail.com> wrote:

> Habari FOSS4G Conference Selection Committee,
> Please find attached our proposal and budget for FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es
> Salaam. On behalf of our Dar LOC we wish you all the best in making your
> decision. We are at your disposal for any questions or queries that may
> arise. We are looking forward to this question period and welcome the
> opportunity to demonstrate our viability for the 2018 FOSS4G in Dar es
> Salaam.
> Mark Iliffe and Msilikale Msilanga
> Co-Chairs, Dar es Salaam FOSS4G 2018 Exploratory LOC
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