[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G Handbook - Financial expectations

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 13:53:16 PDT 2016

Ok, lets start working through Steven's list one item at a time, 
starting a new email thread for each.

Once we have resolution (probably concluding with a vote) we can 
finalise it in the foss4g handbook.

On 8/09/2016 9:12 PM, Steven Feldman wrote:
> >1) Overall financial expectations re surplus and sharing of surplus with OSGeo - possibly setting slightly different expectations for RoW to NA & EU

We have draft principles on Finances in the handbook here:

I suggest using this existing text as the basis for guidance. I 
personally think it has the right principles in place.
In particular, it is recommending each conference aim to hand over a 
fixed percentage of profits as surplus to OSGeo. 85% is suggested.
I prefer this advise over the suggestion that low income countries 
retain more profit.

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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