[OSGeo-Conf] Boston 2017

Michael Terner mgt at appgeo.com
Mon Feb 27 12:46:27 PST 2017

I'm the Chair of the Boston Location Organizing Committee and we appreciate
your question. As Eli relayed earlier, the formal channel for these
questions would be our OSGeo Discussion list which you can sign up for here
<https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g2017> (and it's also linked
off of our webpage at: 2017.foss4g.org). Yes, we will add a "contact us"
button to the website ASAP.

We don't yet have a formal policy on this, but we now see the need for just
that and will expedite making those decisions and posting them on the
website. We are hopeful that there will be a way of making workshops
available to non-FOSS4G attendees, but there may be some signup timing and
cost differences.

For now, we can relay that at present, and by design, the only way to
signup for a workshop is if you also are registering for the conference.
But, please stay tuned, and we promise to make a formal decision ASAP (our
next LOC meeting is next week) and we will let you know the details of the
policy. Again, thank you for your inquiry.

All the best...

*Michael Terner*
*Executive Vice President*
617-447-2468 Direct | 617-447-2400 Main
Applied Geographics, Inc.
24 School Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02108

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