[OSGeo-Conf] [OSgeo-Conf] Nomination of Michael Terner & Guido Stein as official voting members of CC / Call4Vote until 02.02, .2018

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Feb 7 02:23:56 PST 2018

Dear Conference Committee,

counting the "+1" votes for Michael and Guido, I can announce both are
voted as new official members of OSgeo's conference comittee.

A warm welcome for you two!

As I asked you before I called out the vote, I see no need to ask again,
whether you will accept the vote - if not, disagree with me ;-). Also be
prepared,  the next RfP for the 2020 conference will start around
september 2018. Until then: Help whereever you can bring in your ideas
and thoughts, vivid participation is really appreciated !!!

I added you to the list of members here:



Am 23.01.2018 um 12:37 schrieb Till Adams:
> Dear CC!
> As already signalized in my previous email, I'd like to nominate the two
> chairs of the 2017 Boston FOSS4G as new voting members of our conference
> committee. Hereby I nominate
> - Guido Stein
> - Michael Terner
> Please discuss and vote on my nomination until 2nd of February 2018.
> Kind regards,
> Till
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