[OSGeo-Conf] TGP's in 2019

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Mon Feb 11 23:39:09 PST 2019

Dear list!

Great to get so much feedback - that was my intention ...;-). OSGeo's CC
is alive!

I will try to figure out a draft based on all the comments today or
tomorrow. Maybe we decouple the call for TGP and the decision process.
We can discuss the 2nd and then setup a chapter on the WIKI.


Am 11.02.19 um 23:42 schrieb Eli Adam:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 1:31 PM adam steer <adam.d.steer at gmail.com
> <mailto:adam.d.steer at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Conference dev folks
>     I wrote and deleted a long post which said effectively +1 to
>     Mark’s comments. The very short version is that air travel is
>     pretty much the only way to get around much of Oceania, and as
>     such needs to be an option (cruise ships are another, but very
>     dirty also).
> +1 to a lot of what Mark said.  Mark (and the Dar LOC) certainly set a
> high standard for what the TGP can be.  I was certainly glad to help a
> little bit on that process (and seeing how much the TGP had grown
> since some of our efforts in PDX was humbling - nice work).  But again
> these are criteria that will be set by the LOC running that individual
> TGP.
>     I’m struggling a little with Eli’s idea of funding based on
>     expected conference attendance. Again, in Oceania conferences
>     might not be huge but TGP support costs are high. I’d preference
>     assessment on a case by case basis (ie the conference LOC puts up
>     a proposal, it is assessed - but proposals all have to be
>     submitted in the open), with maybe some work to develop guidelines
>     around ‘if you live in region X, plan around cost Y per TGP funded
>     attendee’. Of course, this is prima facie unfair because it’s a
>     lot cheaper to support a TGP attendee in Tanzania than it is in
>     Oceania. Food for thought/further discussion.
> My suggestion was intended as a general starting guideline and not
> intended as rigid.  
> Oceania (or other regions) can certainly make their case for why their
> portion should be multiplied by Z.  
> Also, different regions may be able to support a different number of
> TGP recipients based on various factors.  I've made cases for TGP
> recipients very near (and costing very little) as well as very distant
> with poor transportation connectivity (and costing a sizable portion
> of the total TGP but there were not going to be closer/easier FOSS4G
> events for them in the near future, but maybe they would be the seed
> that grows FOSS4G there).  
> Hopefully we take a reasonable approach that is open to reason,
> revision, and flexibility and gets better over time. 
> Best regards, Eli
>     …and of course, a fine rebuttal would be ‘work harder on
>     sponsorship/fundraising! There’s money in the region, extract it!'
>     Cheers
>     Adam
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