[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2024 - BRAZIL (BRASIL)

Vasile Craciunescu vasile at geo-spatial.org
Sat Jun 3 11:46:44 PDT 2023

I went through our initial CfP document and simplified keeping the focus on the event, the organizers and the budget. Please take a look and feel free to express your opinion.



On 03.06.2023 16:56, María Arias de Reyna wrote:
> That's the kind of info I am interested in too
> El sáb., 3 jun. 2023 15:34, Vasile Craciunescu <vasile at geo-spatial.org <mailto:vasile at geo-spatial.org>> escribió:
>     Maybe we can ask for a simplified version of the CfP, focused more on the very practical details such as financial, organization, community involvement and less details on the social events, things to do in/around the city, transportation, etc. At this stage, some relevant links and simple statements can be enough about these chapters. If you agree, I can simplify the existing template to reflect this and officially invite the Brazilian LOC to prepare the submission.
>     Warm regards,
>     Vasile
>     On 02.06.2023 21:26, María Arias de Reyna wrote:
>      > You are right. I would prefer something more than the LOI, like the budget estimate and at least a rough description of the offering (schedule, logistics, prospective sponsors, ....) but not if that means waiting for weeks.
>      >
>      > Tatiana, what do you have right now? How far did you plan for this already?
>      >
>      > El vie., 2 jun. 2023 20:18, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca <mailto:pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> <mailto:pramsey at cleverelephant.ca <mailto:pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>>> escribió:
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      >>     On Jun 1, 2023, at 7:01 AM, María Arias de Reyna <delawen at gmail.com <mailto:delawen at gmail.com> <mailto:delawen at gmail.com <mailto:delawen at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>      >>
>      >>
>      >>     Tatiana, could you prepare a proposal as requested in
>      >> https://www.osgeo.org/wp-content/uploads/FOSS4G2023-request-for-proposal-sf-vc.pdf <https://www.osgeo.org/wp-content/uploads/FOSS4G2023-request-for-proposal-sf-vc.pdf>? <https://www.osgeo.org/wp-content/uploads/FOSS4G2023-request-for-proposal-sf-vc.pdf <https://www.osgeo.org/wp-content/uploads/FOSS4G2023-request-for-proposal-sf-vc.pdf>?>
>      >>     I think that could help easy any doubts we may have about hosting
>      >>     FOSS4G in Belém. It is a work the organization team will have to do
>      >>     anyway to host it, so it is not as if it is wasted time :)
>      >
>      >     Having just been talking events with some folks at pgcon, one thing I am reminded of is that the clock is a relentless enemy: venues will be booking up, vendors will be getting full, etc, etc, etc. And we’re running late on this years process. Is it clear what we are asking for? LOI or bid document? Because with the exception of things like pricing information and sponsor qualification, most of my core questions as a committee member get answered in the LOI. We should commit to turn around a review of whatever they submit as fast as possible.
>      >
>      >     P
>      >
>      >
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