[OSGeo-Conf] FOSS4G 2024 - BRAZIL (BRASIL)

Tatiana Pará tatianamdefreitas at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 11:21:50 PDT 2023

Dear all,

Thank you for responding to my message. My partner team and I are in the
final stages of preparing the summary document to present to you, in order
to provide a better understanding of our entire proposal.

We are planning to have a complete and solid proposal, including budgets
and details, by June 17th, so that this conference can take place here in
the Amazon. I kindly ask for a little patience at this moment and invite
all former chairs and interested parties to collaborate and contribute to
this proposal, as it will require all of your energy.

Our proposal suggests that the date for FOSS4G 2024 be in November, during
the last week, to allow sufficient time for organization and to avoid
conflicting with any other scheduled events.

I reaffirm our commitment to OSGeo and make myself available for any

Best regards,


Prezados, obrigada por responderem a minha mensagem.
Eu e minha equipe parceira estamos terminando de elaborar o documento
resumido para apresentar a vocês e compreenderem melhor toda a nossa
Planejamos que até o dia 17 de junho teremos uma proposta completa e sólida
com os orçamentos e detalhes para que esta conferência ocorra aqui na
Peço um pouco de paciência neste momento e convido todos os ex chairs e
interessados em colaborar que possam contribuir nessa proposta, pois ela
será preciso de todas as energias de vocês.

Nossa proposta é que a data para FOSS4G 2024 seja em novembro, na última
semana, para que tenhamos tempo hábil de organização e que não conflite com
nenhum outro evento marcado.

Reafirmo nosso compromisso  com a OSGeo e me ponho à disposição para
qualquer esclarecimento.

Em qua., 31 de mai. de 2023 às 02:47, massimiliano cannata <
massimiliano.cannata at gmail.com> escreveu:

> Hi Tatiana,
> I do not have any voting rules on this committee, but I do support your
> proposal.
> I do not see any main issue in not having official osgeo chapter in Brasil
> as long as you are supporting and promoting foss4g.
> Best
> Maxi
> Il mer 31 mag 2023, 01:02 Tatiana Pará <tatianamdefreitas at gmail.com> ha
> scritto:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I would like to bring up the discussion about Brazil's candidacy to host
>> FOSS4G 2024. After discussions with colleagues from OSGeo here in Brazil
>> and with the support of OSGeo Chapter Argentina, we have considered the
>> possibility of hosting the event in Belém, due to the existing synergy
>> between OSGeo and strategic discussions on climate change.
>> On April 28th, the topic of FOSS4G 2024 was raised again, and there were
>> no official candidates. Japan was mentioned as a possibility by Nobusuke,
>> but it was deemed unfeasible at the moment. Adam brought up the idea of an
>> event in South America.
>> On October 31st, 2022, I suggested the possibility of holding the event
>> in Brazil, and many points were discussed at that time. We realized that we
>> do not have an official OSGeo chapter in Brazil, although we are active in
>> Telegram groups and similar communities. This initially generated some
>> insecurity in continuing with the proposal. However, we have recently
>> resumed discussions, and on December 16th, Luca and Vasile provided
>> important explanations about the organization of FOSS4G.
>> Given this history and after productive meetings with members from Brazil
>> and Argentina, I would like to suggest Brazil as the host for FOSS4G in
>> 2024.
>> Would you like to support this idea?
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Tatiana Pará M. de Freitas
>> *Agrônoma, especialista em GeotecnologiasMestre em Desenvolvimento e
>> Gestão de empreendimentos*
>> *Profª E.B.T.T. do campus Castanhal do IFPA.*
>> *Fundadora e Coordenadora do projeto Meninas da GeoConselheira do Enactus
>> IFPA Castanhal - empreendedorismo social*
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Tatiana Pará M. de Freitas

*Agrônoma, especialista em GeotecnologiasMestre em Desenvolvimento e Gestão
de empreendimentos*
*Profª E.B.T.T. do campus Castanhal do IFPA.*

*Fundadora e Coordenadora do projeto Meninas da GeoConselheira do Enactus
IFPA Castanhal - empreendedorismo social*
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