[OSGeo-Conf] [Conference-europe] Fwd: FOSS4G-Europe 2024

Tõnis Kärdi tonis.kardi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 00:45:14 PST 2023

Hi Luca,

thanks for you question. You're right, the proposal should have been 
more blunt on this. It currently reads: "We will be investigating 
options to also live-stream (and record to be made publicly available 
afterwards) all talks [..]". There are also designated rows in the 
budget plan for this with quotes from professional companies 
specializing on recording and streaming conferences. The bottom line 
being - streaming is on the todo list, but we would have to work out the 
finer details. But that said, currently we are not  planning to have 
separate ticketing for following the event online.

Does this answer your concerns?

All the best,


On 03.03.23 10:12, Luca Delucchi wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Mar 2023 at 21:28, Tõnis Kärdi <tonis.kardi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi once more,
> Hi Tonis,
>> Sorry for the confusion. If there's any questions I'd be happy to answer
>> them.
> I support the proposal.
> I have only a question: what about streaming/hybrid conference? there
> is nothing about that in the proposal. I think we should require it
> for each conference, it give more people to be part of the conference
> and the cost is usually not so high. (I myself do not enjoy travelling
> as much as before, not because of medical concerns but more because of
> the pollution issue)
> I have no idea how the process works for Europe, should Conference
> Committee member vote on this?
>> All the best,
>> Tõnis Kärdi
skype: tonis.kardi

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