[OSGeo-Conf] Conference webpage template

Alexander Kmoch allixender at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 08:34:04 PST 2024

Dear Tatiana, all,

my apologies for not answering earlier. By conference-dev registration 
went to my spam and I forgot to follow up.

So, I bought the whole bundle package of many in July 2023, including 
"Eventre" - what is now used for the OSGEO template.

I also have the invoice for the bundle. By buying the bundle I have the 
license to use the templates in unlimited websites personal and 
commercial. I am happy to "donate" that one "Eventre" template to Osgeo. 
We just need to write it somewhere, probably in the license block, that 
this is a licensed copy allixender at gmail.com for free use in Osgeo 
projects and events (or something like that). I think we can also remove 
all the references to GetHugoThemes.





- Create Unlimited Projects
- Lifetime Access

> Certainly,
> We've seen your message, but we're awaiting confirmation from Alex 
> Kmoch regarding the contribution from LOC. So that we can proceed to 
> publish our event website, as we've based it on GitHub.
> Can you assure that we can continue without any costs, as a 
> contribution from LOC to the event?
> __________________________________________________________________________________
> Justamente,
> Nós vimos a sua mensagem, mas aguardamos a confirmação do Alex Kmoch 
> sobre essa contribuição da LOC.
> Para sim podermos publicar nosso site do evento, uma vez que usamos 
> como base ele pelo github.
> Podemos me dar essa certeza sobre podermos continuar sem ônus, como 
> contribuição da LOC ao evento?
> Em qua., 28 de fev. de 2024 às 08:13, FOSS4G Europe 2024 
> <tartufoss4g at gmail.com> escreveu:
> Hey Tatiana,
> somewhere in the beginning of February I answered a similar question on
> Conferece_dev
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/conference_dev/2024-February/006053.html
> Does that answer the question?
> All the best,
> Tõnis

On 06.02.2024 22:05, Felipe Sodre Barros wrote:
> Thanks, Tonis.
> Anyways I will wait until I get a decision from the Organising Committee.
> Best regards
> Em ter., 6 de fev. de 2024 às 15:45, Tõnis Kärdi 
> <tonis.kardi at gmail.com> escreveu:
>     Hey, I spoke with Alex Kmoch this morning about it and he answered to
>     the list but turns out his mail got bounced and he's somewhere in the
>     Estonian wilderness now so I'll emulate the answer. Not knowing
>     what he
>     wrote. Therefore it's partly guesswork so that might change...
>     First, the license is bundle, the template can be reused for other
>     events. This is for sure.
>     But (NB! and this is my guesswork now) we'll somehow have to
>     figure out
>     a compensation scheme because the purchase was done on his personal
>     pocket, not FOSS4GE 2024 budget. If FOSS4GE will be able to cover it
>     after the final books, it could be the FOSS4GE 2024 LOC's
>     contribution
>     to OSGeo conference resources. If not, then something else must be
>     thought up.
>     All the best,
>     Tõnis
>     On 06.02.24 01:18, Luca Delucchi wrote:
>     > On Mon, 5 Feb 2024 at 17:58, Felipe Sodre Barros via Conference_dev
>     > <conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>     >>
>     >>
>     >> Dear colleagues, I am working on the FOSS4G 2024 web page. I
>     was recommended to use the OSGeo template, made in Hugo.
>     >> I didn’t pay attention about the copyright, which says:
>     >>
>     >> "The web site is made with Hugo. The template is copyrighted
>     and was purchased from Gethugothemes.
>     https://download.themefisher.com/ght-licens.html"
>     >> In the mentioned page also says:  "One theme is for only one
>     website, For multiple website you have to purchase separate
>     license or purchase bundle (unlimited lifetime usage)."
>     >>
>     >> So, I would like to confirm if OSGeo has purchased so we can
>     use it.
>     >>
>     >
>     > It seems that the used theme is eventre and it should be payed, I
>     > don't know how Estonian team managed this... Tonis?
>     >
>     >>
>     >> Felipe Sodré Barros
>     >>
>     >
>     -- 
>     @tkardi
>     skype: tonis.kardi
> -- 
> Felipe Sodré Barros
> Mgtr. Ecología y Biodiversidad
> Cel: +54 9 376 5 118193
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