[OSGeo-Conf] Proposal for FOSS4G 2025 from Hiroshima, Japan

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Sat May 18 01:49:04 PDT 2024

Thank you very much!

El sáb, 18 may 2024, 10:24, Nobusuke Iwasaki <wata909 at gmail.com> escribió:

> Dear María,
> I have prepared a version of the proposal with all amounts converted from
> yen to USD, calculated at an exchange rate of 1 USD = ¥150. You can
> download it from the following link:
> https://www.dropbox.com/t/9BxAVXKrxQBWrrEF
> Additionally, the document has been uploaded to Google Drive:
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/12tVdgUPiRMqlQI2T4VY66iN8Ge5g6diD/view?usp=drive_link
> Changes and additions have been highlighted in red.
> While making these changes, I discovered an error in the original paper:
>    - The $20K subsidy from HCVB must be refunded if there is a surplus of
>    more than 20%.
>    - Therefore, the surplus should be at least $4,000 (¥600,000).
>    - On P37, the correct amount of $4,000 (¥600,000) is stated, but on
>    P40 and P41, it is incorrectly listed as $1,333 (¥200,000). The correct
>    value is $4,000 (¥600,000).
> Since the paper has already been submitted, we will not make corrections
> to it, but we are reporting this issue here. We will also update the Wiki
> Page
> Thank you for your understanding.
> Best regards,
> Nobosuke
> 2024年5月17日(金) 22:49 Nobusuke Iwasaki <wata909 at gmail.com>:
>> Dear María,
>> Thank you for your thoughtful feedback and kind words regarding our
>> proposal.
>> I appreciate the opportunity to address your questions and provide
>> further clarification.
>> Streaming Services:
>> I apologize for any confusion regarding the streaming services. As
>> mentioned in our vision (P.6), we aim to make the conference accessible to
>> individuals from diverse backgrounds. For some individuals, economic
>> barriers might be overcome, but other reasons might still prevent them from
>> attending in person (e.g., physical disabilities, caregiving
>> responsibilities, or geopolitical restrictions). Our intention is to ensure
>> participation opportunities for these individuals by offering streaming
>> services. The primary purpose of the streaming services will be targeted to
>> those who genuinely cannot attend in person due to specific circumstances.
>> Expected Attendance:
>> The venue has sufficient capacity, and we will prepare for the
>> possibility of more than 1000 attendees. However, based on historical
>> attendance figures for FOSS4G events in Asia and Oceania, which typically
>> ranged from 400 to 500 participants, we have conservatively estimated a
>> best-case scenario of 600 attendees. While Firenze had 1000 in-person
>> attendees, Prizren had around 700. Therefore, we chose 600 as our best-case
>> estimate. Although this estimate is conservative, it is intentional to
>> ensure we can effectively manage the event even with fewer participants.
>> Encouraging Participation in Code Sprint:
>> To increase the appeal of the code sprint, we consider the following
>> measures:
>> Collaboration with Communities: Enhance the code sprint by including
>> activities from local communities and organizations, such as UNITAR and the
>> Hiroshima Archive, to cover a diverse range of themes. By doing so, we aim
>> to make the code sprint more attractive and inclusive. Additionally, we
>> will work closely with FOSS4G communities to promote the event and
>> communicate the agenda in advance, making it easier for participants to
>> join.
>> Supporting Geo for All's Vision: Geo for All promotes geospatial
>> education and opportunities for everyone. By positioning the code sprint as
>> an opportunity to realize Geo for All's vision, we aim to encourage many
>> users to participate, presenting it as an excellent opportunity to
>> experience programming and development.
>> Showcase Contribution Opportunities: Emphasize how participating in the
>> code sprint can provide opportunities to contribute to the development of
>> various FOSS4G tools. For example, in Japan, there is a significant number
>> of FOSS4G tool users, but contributions from developers and the community
>> are not as widespread. We hope to encourage more participation in
>> development through the code sprint.
>> Updated Budget in USD:
>> We are currently preparing an updated PDF with all financial figures
>> converted to USD. We will share this document shortly.
>> Thank you again for your insightful questions.
>> Best regards,
>> Nobosuke
>> 2024年5月17日(金) 4:03 María Arias de Reyna <delawen at gmail.com>:
>>> Dear Nobosuke,
>>> I just did a first read of your document and I want to congratulate you
>>> and your LOC for such an amazing proposal.
>>> >  For those who cannot physically attend the venue, we will provide
>>> opportunities for remote participation, allowing participants to experience
>>> the conference content and engage with the community, regardless of their
>>> location or circumstances
>>> > All meeting rooms are fiber-optically linked, allowing for streaming
>>> capabilities to remote participants
>>> Does this mean that you will offer streaming services of the conference?
>>> And if the answer is yes, will it be paid or for free? I ask because one
>>> strategy to encourage people going in person to conferences is not to
>>> release the videos until after a few months.
>>> I see that you consider numbers that I feel are a bit low for attendance
>>> (base 400, better 500, best 600). I like that you are conservative and that
>>> the budget stays strong with a low number, but I think that we should be
>>> prepared for the upper number to be at least 1000, considering the
>>> historial data[1]. Is there a reason why 600 is the higher you planned on
>>> your budget? Because even if it is very far away from me (Spain), I see it
>>> is very close to some of the most vibrant communities out there. I know the
>>> venue allows for more than 1500 attendees, I am just curious if I'm missing
>>> some reason behind the numbers.
>>> Sometimes the codesprint is not of interest for the majority of the
>>> audience for several reasons (considered too technical, people are tired at
>>> the last day and decide to just do some tourism,...). Do you have any ideas
>>> on how to encourage participation?
>>> I have to say, it was a bit difficult following the budget in yens. If
>>> you can provide an updated PDF with the numbers also in USD, I think that
>>> will help the other members of the committee to read it faster.
>>> Cheers!
>>> María.
>>> [1]
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ux_hFq-C165140ZD48RRImPTHSpXj42OG3nBr9cyZYo/edit#gid=1782600951
>>> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 2:33 PM Nobusuke Iwasaki via Conference_dev <
>>> conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>>>> Dear OSGeo Conference Committee,
>>>> We are pleased to submit our proposal to host FOSS4G 2025 in Hiroshima,
>>>> Japan.
>>>> Additionally, you will find as Annex 1, the support letter, and as
>>>> Annex 2, the detailed budget associated with our proposal.
>>>>  Due to the size of the documents, we kindly request that you download
>>>> the PDF from below.
>>>> https://www.dropbox.com/t/YbXgZT2B8bxFGa8l
>>>> I will also share the same file below.
>>>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1sr08Vq0frOW-lITjRD5jfneE0ehAw4x8?usp=drive_link
>>>> We hope that you receive our proposal without issue and that it
>>>> successfully addresses the requirements outlined in the RfP.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Nobusuke
>>>> ---
>>>> Nobusuke Iwasaki
>>>>  Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
>>>>  Representative, OSGeo Japan
>>>>  Co-chair, FOSS4G 2025 Hiroshima LOC
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>> --
>> 岩崎 亘典
> --
> 岩崎 亘典
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