[OSGeo-Conf] Vote for RfP 2025 by 28th of May

Jeroen Ticheler jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net
Fri May 31 04:29:31 PDT 2024

Hi Jonathan,

Although I very much see where you are coming from, it is also important to consider that life does not only happen in Europe or North America. The Oceania and Asian OSGeo communities are strong and have incredible people working with and contributing to OSGeo FOSS. The goal of OSGeo is to promote its use and adoption across the globe. This brings lots of good IMHO. And yes, that also implies that OSGeo has set a goal for itself to have a global conference move across continents in a way that does justice to both the people and the OSGeo mission. 

It will be up to the participants individual considerations if that implies visiting a Global OSGeo conference in Brasil, in Japan or in New Zealand. Or not to and wait for a global conference that is closer to home. With due respect for individual perspectives and considerations.

The Conference Committee and the submitters of the current proposals are, form my perspective, extremely capable of taking all aspects of hosting a global conference into consideration, including environmental impact. And related to this we also see stronger and stronger regional conferences being setup that reduce travel for many and increase the outreach.



---- Op do, 30 mei 2024 16:31:19 +0200 schreef Jonathan Moules via Conference_dev <conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org> ----

As a counterpoint, I'd like to suggest that it's environmentally
      irresponsible to even consider hosting international conferences
      in locations as remote as New Zealand, Hawaii, or Australia.

On 2024-05-30 11:49, María Arias de
      Reyna via Conference_dev wrote:

Conference_dev mailing list 
Conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org 
I just want to say to both teams behind the
        proposals: whoever doesn't win, please, try again. This is not
        an easy decision because both proposals are very good. I wish we
        could have both.

On Mon, May 27, 2024 at
          10:33 AM Vasile Craciunescu via Conference_dev <mailto:conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org>

Dear Conference Committee voting
 The deadline for voting for FOSS4G2025 venue was extended! The
          new deadline is *May 31 12h CET*. This is due to the fact that
          some of you (especially Gmail accounts) did not receive the
          Auckland financial proposal that was privately send by me, due
          to a DKIM misconfiguration problem. I'm very sorry for the
          situation and I kindly ask you to accept my apologies. Please
          take in consideration the information submitted to you this
          morning when casting your vote. Please do vote ASAP!
 Warm regards,
 On 21.05.2024 13:22, Vasile Craciunescu via Conference_dev
 > Dear voting members of OSGeo's conference committee!
 > We are entering in the final phase for the selection of
          the FOSS4G 2025 venue [1]. Go through the great work of
          Auckland and Hiroshima teams [2] (Auckland financial details
          will be send directly to the Committee members). Then, please
          please send the name of your favored location/team via email
 > - mailto:codrina at geo-spatial.org
 > - mailto:adams at terrestris.de
 > The deadline is May 28 12h CET. You can find the question
          from the committee and the answers from the LOC on our wiki
          page [3][4].
 > Please vote!
 > Warm regards,
 > Vasile
 > [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2025_Bid_Process
 > [2] https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/foss4g/2025/
 > [3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2025_Q%26A_2_Auckland
 > [4] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2025_Q%26A_2_Hiroshima
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