[Croatia] "Introduction to GIS" Course in English free of charge

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Thu Nov 6 08:29:02 PST 2014

Hi all,

I send you information about an "Introduction to GIS" Course in English 
free of charge.

Best regards

The gvSIG-Training e-Learning platform opens its registration period for 
the "Basic GIS with gvSIG" MOOC in English, given by the gvSIG 
Association and GISMAP.

This MOOC aims to show the use and potentiality of the open source 
software gvSIG in performing the most common operations during the 
workflow in a GIS environment. This Course is addressed to beginners as 
well as to skilled GIS users who want to learn how to use this software.

It will start in November 24th, and it will last four weeks with an 
approximate participant’s engagement of thirty hours during the whole 
course period.

Course attendance is completely free of charge. Students who 
successfully complete the course and wish to receive the Certificate of 
Achievement, corresponding to 30 credits for gvSIG Certification
program, will be asked for a contribution of 40 Euros.

For further information about topics, goals: 

For registration, you have to press "Enroll" at the bottom of the page, 
and then accept the "Site policy agreement". Finally you will have to 
register at the web page.

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