[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G, plans (So am I just out of the loop . ..)

Shorter, Cameron cameron.shorter at adi-limited.com
Mon Aug 14 16:52:16 PDT 2006

With regards to tiling for the client, Steven Ottens is currently
incorporating tiling into Mapbuilder and has been coordinating to some
extent with OpenLayers and Kamap.  They have an email list set up - can't
remember what it is off the top of my head.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jody Garnett [mailto:jgarnett at refractions.net] 
> Sent: Monday, 14 August 2006 6:01 PM
> To: discuss at mail.osgeo.org
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G, plans (So am I just out of 
> the loop ...)
> Hi,
> I went on a little search spree to see what resources there 
> were around to help get set up for a presence at FOSS4G. I 
> did find an open office slide show template (which someone 
> kindly ported to power point for me). 
> We are starting to marshal some of the java projects together 
> for BOF sessions and the like, but we have been doing this in 
> IRC meetings and on the various developer lists.
> Is there a need/wish to coordinate a bit, do we have any 
> theme or point we are trying to make this year? Or are we 
> still at the "here we are" 
> stage?  I imagine this discussion should go to the viscom 
> mailing list, but I figure that if I went there others in the 
> same boat as me would remain out of the loop.
> So here are some of the ideas I have picked up:
> - A coordinate strike at demo-fest, showing interoperability 
> through standards
> - GeoTools is 10 years old, Birthday BOF
> - OSGEO Template, providing common LnF for presentations by 
> OSGEO Projects
> And some that I am not sure will make it in time:
> - Tiling WMS, some talk of GeoServer and uDig implementation 
> of GetTile
> - Countless breakout meetings about interesting topics
> - Timed release of GeoTools 2.3 & GeoServer 1.4.1, and GeoServer+WCS
> (It would be kind of fun to see a couple projects taking on 
> the tiling WMS concept, maybe chat over beers and see which 
> implementation we like) It would be really nice to gather up 
> some of the projects on a CD, while I do not think we are a 
> sponsor (and cannot hand out a lot of stuff from a booth), we 
> may be able to get away with handing out a CD during 
> presentations (perhaps to people brave enough to ask questions).
> So here is the question: is their a loop I am missing, or 
> should we keep muddling along with our own plans.
> Jody
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