Computers, Storage and Bandwidth courtesy of telascience (San Diego Supercomputer and Viz Center)

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at
Sat Mar 25 10:07:26 PST 2006

 From Mark Lucas:

I'm excited to announce that osgeo will soon be adding significant  
computational, storage, and bandwidth to further the goals of the  
foundation.  I'd like to personally thank John Graham, Eric Frost,  
and Norman Vine for their help in making this happen.  These  
resources will augment our existing support with collabnet and give  
us the flexibility to host large data sets, provide reference  
implementations, and advanced web based services in support of our  

for example:
* host large data repositories and support the open geodata initiative
* host osgeo reference implementations and integrated stacks
* compile farms and binary package distribution
* tutorial movies
* quick addition of plone, and other relevant open source  
technologies managed by contributors
* rehosting of project resources in a consistent manner
* high performance international demonstrations

Norman Vine will act as lead and coordinator for these resources.   
There will obviously be close collaboration with our existing  
committees (webcommittee, geodata, visibility).  Norman was key to  
the hurricane Katrina ( )relief  
efforts that were organized on these same resources.  Over the next  
several days we will be putting together the initial plan of attack.   
I'd ask everyone to coordinate their ideas and efforts through Norman  
so that we can proceed in an orderly fashion.

Now it should get interesting....

Mark Lucas
OSGEO Board Member and

 From John Graham:

We are glad to help such amazing people in support of OSGeo and the
Foundations goals. Allowing open access to the server is no problem.
We find this is critical for rapid response to disaster / emergency  

The system at SDSC is a Sun B1600 blade server with 12 CPU blades. 6  
6 Sparc. Sparc can be Jump started on Solaris 9 or 10 The Intel  
blades can
Kick start into RedHat 9 Fedora Core 4 Solaris X86-9or10. I can give  
their own blade with NAS and SAN storage. We also have the 2 SGI Prisms.
Calit2/Suse9.3  SDSU/RedHat PP3R4. There is also a very nice Dual  
Sun Fire V880z. We also have Apple Power Mac G5 Dual and Mac mini
Intel Core Duo.

We can also put donated servers online in our racks and support the
occasional dropkick. Might even get some students to help There is  
student interest in mapping on campus.

There is a great opportunity to connect with the GeonGRID community  
the OSGeo system into the supercomputing storage and web services  
assets. I have been promoting the OSGeo  
party line in this
community for a couple of years and get a positive response.

We share the same goals.
We know collaborations like this will help people.
We welcome the opportunity
We would love to be your dependable home!


 From Eric Frost:

John and Frank and Mark,

I very much second John's offers---would be something we would be  
honored to help in these ways. John as said your names several  
hundred times at demos, describing some of the things you have done--- 
OSGeo and the Foundation are going profoundly same direction we are.   
Love to help make this possible.  John has our full support in  
offering up his help and technology and networks we have.

Co-Director, Viz Center

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