[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Stack - was: OSGeo community Maxed out?

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu Oct 26 10:10:50 PDT 2006

>> The FGS package (FOSS GIS Suite) for linux is already distribution
>> agnostic.  It works quite well, though it is not as complete a set of
>> packages I would want for OSGeo.   FWTools also does this, but it is
>> rather monolithic rather than package oriented.
>> I consider FGS a model for what I want to do on linux.
>>    http://maptools.org/fgs/
> I don't know any of those, I'll have a look at FGS and Jeroen's DVD.
> Maybe I can lend a hand.

FGS was started specifically for this "packaged modules" purpose on  
Linux.  It is somewhat similar to the approach taken with the Windows- 
focused MS4W: http://maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml and indeed was  
inspired by it.

The applications such as web server, mapserver, gdal/ogr, proj.4 are  
all tightly integrated in both of these environments.  The challenge,  
as I see it, is to add more applications/libraries and provide some  
form of  integration between them.

We could easily build on top of these two distribution models,  
couldn't we?  I know, for example, Jeff at DMSG is working on  
improving the MS4W side of things.  Now that I'm a Mac user, I also  
wonder about parallel approaches for it.


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