[OSGeo-Discuss] [Discuss] Letter of support for FGDC CAP grant

cholmes at openplans.org cholmes at openplans.org
Thu Apr 12 19:11:22 PDT 2007

As per:

I am writing to request a letter of support from OSGeo for a Cooperative
Agreement Program grant from the Federal Geographic Data Committee.
There is information at:
http://www.fgdc.gov/grants/2007CAP/2007CAPschedule, we are going for
category 2 'framework client development'.  The main point of the grant
is to add capabilities to access WFS servers that serve the 'Framework
Data' - which are complex GML 3.1.1 application schemas for common data
layers (transportation, hydrography, government units, ect.).

A majority of the work will be at the GeoTools level, improving it's
core feature model and parsers to handle complex GML 3.1.1.  This work
will be reusable by any Java project.  The client targeted is uDig,
which is built on GeoTools.

My organization - The Open Planning Project (http://topp.openplans.org)
- is taking the lead and partnering with CIESIN and GISCorps.  It's a
great chance to form closer bonds with GISCorps - our goal is to use the
funding to make a desktop GIS that their volunteers will be able to use
and to leave behind in resource poor communities.  GISCorps volunteers
will be helping us to refine the interface and to write training
materials for others to use - not just about using the software but also
teaching new people about GIS in general.

We'd like a letter of support from OSGeo to help the potential funders
see that we're working in the wider open source context.  There wouldn't
need to be much of a commitment, except for maybe a bit about helping to
promote the final solution, if people were comfortable with that.

If you'd like any more information let me know.

best regards,


Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project

Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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