[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Geographic Diversity

P Kishor punkish at eidesis.org
Thu Aug 16 21:43:04 PDT 2007

On 8/17/07, Dave Patton <davep at confluence.org> wrote:
> P Kishor wrote:
> > I believe pegging Board-membership to geography is a good thing
> > I also believe that while one can contribute as much while being an
> > ordinary member as opposed to a charter or a Board member (I became a
> > charter member only a couple of months ago), Board membership could be
> > an important label to find local support. After all, if there were no
> > difference then why even have these different labels? When one is
> > going around drumming up support, having a position carries a heft.
> Perhaps there is some resistance to "artificially" creating
> a geographically diverse Board, but who say that is the
> only option? There could be "OSGeo Regional Representatives",
> who are elected, and who, by definition, represent specific
> geographic regions, without those people necessarily also
> being board members. They could have an advisory role to
> the Board.

a rose by any other name...

should work well as far as I am concerned.

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