[OSGeo-Discuss] Summary blog post of FOSS4G

Yves Jacolin yjacolin at free.fr
Wed Oct 3 14:08:48 EDT 2007

Hi Tyler, list,

Some French blog about FOSS4G 2007 : http://georezo.net/geoblog/ (some article 
will come soon).

Le mercredi 3 octobre 2007 19:46, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) a écrit :
> FYI - I just posted a blog summary of the conference:
> http://www.osgeo.org/tyler/foss4g2007_overview
> Since I didn't make it to more than 2 presentations or any BOFs, I'll
> leave it to others to highlight those.
> Tyler
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Yves Jacolin

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