[OSGeo-Discuss] UN's program..: ESRI and cities mapping

Jeroen Ticheler Jeroen.Ticheler at fao.org
Thu Oct 4 12:03:29 EDT 2007

Hi Ravi,
As a UN employee I guess I have to react on your statement :-)
As UN we are trying to provide and use quite a bit of open source  
technologies. The OSGeo GeoNetwork opensource that I work on is an  
example of that and there are a number of other activities existing  
or starting up. take a look at the UN produced DVD "GeoNetwork  
opensource" that contains nothing but geospatial open source software  
and is distributed for free to many people all over the world.
It remains a fact that many applications are (still?) build on  
proprietary applications and there is not much wrong with that  
happening also. At present I bet there are more developers that work  
on proprietary systems and have no interest or knowledge to develop  
using open source software and sometimes applications are simply not  
there yet in open source. Mind you, I'm saying this as a profound  
open source advocate :-)
As said, there are multiple initiatives that support open source, but  
the world does not change in a day while many existing problems need  
to be addressed immediately.

On Sep 25, 2007, at 3:00 PM, RAVI KUMAR wrote:

> Hi all,
> It is unfortunate that United Nations nearly advocates Proprietory  
> GIS.
> Time we react to this. The developing world is already throwing  
> billions into
> un-sustainable Proprietory GIS for various GIS jobs.
> Fope the FOSS4G will discuss this and send a memorandum to UN..
> ww2.unhttp://habitat.org/guonet/gis.asp
> Cheers
> Ravi Kumar
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