[OSGeo-Discuss] Turn around on new Incubation submittals.

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Wed Oct 3 20:16:47 EDT 2007


Actaully, I looked, and my application is already in the 
incubator_application archives.


I joined both lists, awaiting the confirmation Emails.



Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 10/3/07, Bob Basques <bob.b at gritechnologies.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> What's the turn around supposed to be on incubation submittals?  I sent
>> in an application last Friday and never got any sort of reply.   Even a
>> confirmation of receipt would be something.
> Bob,
> I received the application.  Normally I forward them to the
> incubator list right away, but I am thinking I need to prepare
> a section on the incubator wiki with a list of all outstanding
> requests. I'm also on the road still so substantial online work
> is hard.
> You might want to join the incubator mailing list now and
> forward a copy there so everyone has a heads up.
> ... from a motel in Lake Louise ...
> Best regards,
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