[OSGeo-Discuss] Turn around on new Incubation submittals.

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Fri Oct 5 01:06:53 EDT 2007

On Wed, October 3, 2007 17:18, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> On 10/3/07, Bob Basques <bob.b at gritechnologies.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> What's the turn around supposed to be on incubation submittals?  I sent
>>  in an application last Friday and never got any sort of reply.   Even
>> a confirmation of receipt would be something.
> Bob,
> I received the application.  Normally I forward them to the
> incubator list right away, but I am thinking I need to prepare a section on
> the incubator wiki with a list of all outstanding requests. I'm also on
> the road still so substantial online work is hard.
> You might want to join the incubator mailing list now and
> forward a copy there so everyone has a heads up.
> ... from a motel in Lake Louise ...
> Best regards,

I was waiting for this one. Our main problem is hot air. It is easy to
discuss things and propose things and suggest things and the best thing
ever is to *request* for things to be done. But as soon as something
actually *has* to be done it is always others who are supposed to do it,
mostly the same old bent men that creep out of their holes and shuffle to
the door to answer to whomever is knocking (what the heck are you doing in
Louisiana, there is work to be done!).

Mind me, I only take it out on you because you seem to be straight forward
and not easily hushed. Its just that we need to be kind to the old men as
long as we don't start to support them and take on some of their jobs.
Your job is to discuss your project with Chris prior to posting it here.
It seems like he has something to say. Then you might come up with good
reasons why it makes sense to pursue your project. (more rambling to
follow on the other thread)


Arnulf Benno Christl
(OSGeo Board Member)
+50.7342N   +7.0707E

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