[OSGeo-Discuss] Turn around on new Incubation submittals.

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Fri Oct 5 01:27:13 EDT 2007


Well I applied to the OSGEO Incubator lists, but didn't get anything 
back in the way of a confirmation.  Curiously, I also applied the same 
night to the OpenLayers Dev list and got the confirmation right away.  
Since both systems are using the same software, I figure there is some 
sort of approval process that has be be done first.

Anyway, Frank mentioned to me that I should Post my application there 
before he gets to it.  So that's where I'm at with it at this point in time.


Arnulf Christl wrote:
> On Wed, October 3, 2007 17:18, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>> On 10/3/07, Bob Basques <bob.b at gritechnologies.com> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> What's the turn around supposed to be on incubation submittals?  I sent
>>>  in an application last Friday and never got any sort of reply.   Even
>>> a confirmation of receipt would be something.
>> Bob,
>> I received the application.  Normally I forward them to the
>> incubator list right away, but I am thinking I need to prepare a section on
>> the incubator wiki with a list of all outstanding requests. I'm also on
>> the road still so substantial online work is hard.
>> You might want to join the incubator mailing list now and
>> forward a copy there so everyone has a heads up.
>> ... from a motel in Lake Louise ...
>> Best regards,
> Hehe,
> I was waiting for this one. Our main problem is hot air. It is easy to
> discuss things and propose things and suggest things and the best thing
> ever is to *request* for things to be done. But as soon as something
> actually *has* to be done it is always others who are supposed to do it,
> mostly the same old bent men that creep out of their holes and shuffle to
> the door to answer to whomever is knocking (what the heck are you doing in
> Louisiana, there is work to be done!).
> Mind me, I only take it out on you because you seem to be straight forward
> and not easily hushed. Its just that we need to be kind to the old men as
> long as we don't start to support them and take on some of their jobs.
> Your job is to discuss your project with Chris prior to posting it here.
> It seems like he has something to say. Then you might come up with good
> reasons why it makes sense to pursue your project. (more rambling to
> follow on the other thread)
> Regards,
> Arnulf
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