[OSGeo-Discuss] Integration test bed

Jody Garnett jgarnett at refractions.net
Tue Oct 9 18:29:18 EDT 2007

On problem was expecting vendors to supply their own hardware for 
something that was a conference theme. If you made several machines 
available prior to the conference for the vendors to configure with 
their software you may get some traction. Vendors are very busy getting 
their own act together; fitting into a conference theme (like showcasing 
interoperability) is an extra that is hard to plan for.

For some projects (like MapServer) we did not have a specific vendor or 
organization to pester into setting up an example service.

An integration showcase would be a great message for the OSGeo booth 
however. Making machine available for community members to set up and 
configure would perhaps be a better approach.


Tim Bowden wrote:
> I believe the integration test bed didn't go quite as well as planned.
> Any thoughts as to why, and what could be done next time to improve the
> experience?
> Regards,
> Tim Bowden
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