[OSGeo-Discuss] Integration test bed

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 19:41:34 EDT 2007

I was very excited to hear about the Integration test bed concept and 
hope that any setbacks can be taken as a learning experience and help us 
put some achievable steps in place to make it more successful at future 
events - be they FOSS4G or conferences with an OSGeo presence.

Key take home points for me:
1. There should be a standard dataset that all applications use as part 
of their default demos. I've seen this to a small degree between 
Geoserver, Mapbuilder and Openlayers. There are sure to be others and 
I'm sure we can do a better job.
2. An interoperability testbed is difficult to set up just before a 
conference. So lets do it gradually over a year or so as we build our 
software, open source workshops and presentations.
3. A version dependency tree will greatly ease installation which in 
turn will help open source uptake.

Jody Garnett wrote:
> On problem was expecting vendors to supply their own hardware for 
> something that was a conference theme. If you made several machines 
> available prior to the conference for the vendors to configure with 
> their software you may get some traction. Vendors are very busy 
> getting their own act together; fitting into a conference theme (like 
> showcasing interoperability) is an extra that is hard to plan for.
> For some projects (like MapServer) we did not have a specific vendor 
> or organization to pester into setting up an example service.
> An integration showcase would be a great message for the OSGeo booth 
> however. Making machine available for community members to set up and 
> configure would perhaps be a better approach.
> Jody
> Tim Bowden wrote:
>> I believe the integration test bed didn't go quite as well as planned.
>> Any thoughts as to why, and what could be done next time to improve the
>> experience?
>> Regards,
>> Tim Bowden
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Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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