[OSGeo-Discuss] arcGIS and Grass compatibility

Jacolin Yves yjacolin at free.fr
Fri Sep 14 03:17:25 EDT 2007

Le Friday 14 September 2007 02:08:35 Paulo Marcondes, vous avez écrit :
> 2007/9/13, k4mik4ze <luis.parada at gmail.com>:
> > Hello, I would like to know everything about migration proyects from
> > arcGIS to Grass, can i create a web interface so users in a department
> > can access all GIS data? Can i migrate arcGIS data to grass?
> > Thanks
> First, you have to know :
> why would you want to do such a move?
> are the users willing or wanting to do that move?
> do they have experience (or even training) in GRASS
> do they have with linux/unix?
> do you have experience with linux/unix?
> Reading all those migration strategies from windows to linux might help
> too.
> As for the second question: yes you can _access_ your GIS data over
> the web, see, e.g. MapServer. With some PyWPS magic is possible to
> even process some data with GRASS over the web.
> For the third, with a little help from GDAL/OGR, it may be possible to
> migrate your data, but that I'll leave to more seasoned people here.


You can find some useful tips on this page [1]. At the bottom of it, there are 
some informations about ArcGIS/Grass migration.

Hope this help,

[1] http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_migration_hints

Yves Jacolin

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