[OSGeo-Discuss] arcGIS and Grass compatibility

RAVI KUMAR ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 05:30:45 EDT 2007

are the users willing or wanting to do that move?
do they have experience (or even training) in GRASS
for the 'Indian scene', moving to FOSS GIS is the only way GIS can help at all levels. 
pl follow the link above
Ravi Kumar
Jacolin Yves <yjacolin at free.fr> wrote: Le Friday 14 September 2007 02:08:35 Paulo Marcondes, vous avez écrit :
> 2007/9/13, k4mik4ze :
> > Hello, I would like to know everything about migration proyects from
> > arcGIS to Grass, can i create a web interface so users in a department
> > can access all GIS data? Can i migrate arcGIS data to grass?
> > Thanks
> First, you have to know :
> why would you want to do such a move?
> are the users willing or wanting to do that move?
> do they have experience (or even training) in GRASS
> do they have with linux/unix?
> do you have experience with linux/unix?
> Reading all those migration strategies from windows to linux might help
> too.
> As for the second question: yes you can _access_ your GIS data over
> the web, see, e.g. MapServer. With some PyWPS magic is possible to
> even process some data with GRASS over the web.
> For the third, with a little help from GDAL/OGR, it may be possible to
> migrate your data, but that I'll leave to more seasoned people here.


You can find some useful tips on this page [1]. At the bottom of it, there are 
some informations about ArcGIS/Grass migration.

Hope this help,

[1] http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/GRASS_migration_hints

Yves Jacolin
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