[OSGeo-Discuss] official track material

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Mon Dec 8 03:26:58 PST 2008

hi all

i am working with my foundation meruvian, to help people here learn
opensource one if it is GIS solution

any idea about the education track like JEDI http://www.jediproject.net

where i am head the jedi indonesia here

Frans Thamura
One Stop Java and Enterprise OSS Provider
Technopreneurship, Training, Internship, Outsourcing and Corporate
Competency Center

Mobile: +62 855 7888 699
Blog & Profile: http://frans.thamura.info

Training JENI, Medallion (Alfresco, Liferay dan Compiere).. buruan...
URL: http://nagasakti.mervpolis.com/roller/mervnews/entry/jeni_training_compiere_dan_alfresco

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