[OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Tue Feb 12 20:50:43 PST 2008

I guess I'm assuming that Mateusz talked to Christopher before posting this?  Anyway, I'd certainly welcome this kind of service.
If there is community buy-in and Christopher isn't interested in setting it up, I'd be happy to install it on osgeo2.  I've worked with it a bit for an unrelated project, and it's really easy to deal with in its basic configuration, even to the extent of pulling its subscription list from an external (Google Docs, etc) CSV file.
If there's enough interest on this list, then let's pull it over to WebCom for discussion of details and take care of it from there.


From: Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Planet OSGeo

Regardless, setting 
up the planet stuff wouldn't be huge maintenance, but would still 
need someone keen to set it up and some support from web committee to 
get started.

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