[Gfoss] [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Last chance before cancelling: OSGeo Hacking event in a monastry near Bolsena (Italy)!?

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Wed Feb 13 02:14:38 PST 2008

Simone Giannecchini ha scritto:

> IMHO, the limiting factor of the GFOSS is that there are tons of
> companies which are *exploiting* the GFOSS world itself, without
> giving anything or very little in return

Agreed; I see this as a relevant problem. And yes, rules for providers
directory are a reasonable way to limit its negative consequences, both
at the international and at the national level (we have to work on this
on our GFOSS.it association).
Paolo Cavallini, see: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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