[OSGeo-Discuss] Israel and Romanian local chapter?

Vasile Craciunescu vasile at geo-spatial.org
Mon Feb 25 13:07:17 PST 2008

Hello Tyler,

I was a little quiet in the last two months. As we already wrote on the 
mailing list we are very interested in creating a Romanian local 
chapter. I'm saying "we" as the local community gathered around 
http://www.geo-spatial.org. More about this topic was posted at 

What  we accomplished  until  now:

1. Visibility at conferences and workshops:

- Octomber 25-27 - a  general presentation of geo-spatial.org, Romanian 
in formation chapter and OSGeo was done at the 15th GIS Users 
Conference, in Chisinau (Rep. Moldova).
- December 11 - a more detailed presentation was done at the second 
National Spatial Data Infrastructure conference in Bucharest 
- December 12, in the framework of the same conference, we manage to 
organize a open source geospatial software workshop. Detailed 
presentations and step by step demonstrations were made for: QGIS, uDig, 
PostGIS, Geoserver, MapWindow, OpenLayers and VTP.

2. Romanian articles and tutorials published on geo-spatial.org:

- http://earth.unibuc.ro/articole/open-source-gis-I (FOSSGIS 
applications review: toolkits and libraries)
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/articole/open-source-gis-II (FOSSGIS 
applications review: desktop software)
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/tutoriale/vtp-primii-pasi (VTP tutorial)
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/tutoriale/wingrass (GRASS Windows installation 
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/tutoriale/instalare-grass-macosx (GRASS MacOSX 
installation tutorial)
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/tutoriale/bazin-hidrografic-prin-QGIS-GRASS 
(GRASS+QGIS watershed delineation)
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/tutoriale/vtocx (VTP vtocx tutorial)
- http://earth.unibuc.ro/tutoriale/manipulare-date-spatiale-gdal-raster 
(GDAL tutorial)

3. Romanian articles and tutorials to be published on geo-spatial.org in 
the following month:
- A translation and adaptation of Gary Sherman's "Shuffling Quantum GIS 
into the Open Source GIS Stack" tutorial (http://earth.unibuc.ro/preview)
- FOSSGIS applications review: server-side and webmapping applications
- Mapnik tutorial
- Two more GDAL/OGR tutorials
- OpenLayers basic tutorial

4. Articles:
- Free and Open Source Geospatial Software. A Complete Alternative to 
Propriatary Applications (published in a local journal)
- Developing an Open Romanian Geoportal (presented as poster at 
FOSS4G2007 and published in a local journal)

5. Meetings
- Thursday evening, on 28th,  we will have the first meeting (in a local 
pub here in Bucharest) between authors and  users of geo-spatial.org. 
The main topics will be related to RO local chapter. Will try to see how 
we can form a legal entity (like an NGO), search for volunteers for 
translation of OSGeo website and software, etc. Until now we have 15+ 
people signed in. Details of the meeteng can be found on the 
geo-spatial.org mailing list, Romanian only 
(http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/geo-spatial/). On Friday i'll be 
back with a short summary of the evening.

That's is for the moment.


Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> Is anyone on this list interested in or working on local chapter work 
> in Israel or Romania?
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