[OSGeo-Discuss] Israel and Romanian local chapter?

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Feb 26 00:11:57 PST 2008

Micha Silver ha scritto:

> ESRI is very solidly implanted here. For the most part Israelis equate
> GIS with Arcview, and are not aware of alternatives. In my estimation,
> there's an uphill climb before reaching the level where we can start
> talking about a local chapter.

A more positive word: everybody thought the same just a few years ago,
also here in Italy, but now things are definitely changed: our national
reference INSPIRE implementations are largely based on GFOSS, and the
Italian community is sizeable, mature, very active and vociferous.
Things *can* change, and they do it rapidly.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini, see: http://www.faunalia.it/pc

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