[OSGeo-Discuss] Introduction

mike goldberg mtgoldberg at dunestudios.com
Wed Jan 9 09:23:49 EST 2008


I just wanted to send out an email to introduce myself.  I have been 
reading these threads for a while, but have never really had the time to 
offer support. I can now dedicate time to really contribute and be an 
effective part of the OSGeo community.

My name is Mike Goldberg, and recently graduated (2006) from 
Shippensburg University with a degree in Geography / GIS. Post 
undergrad, i spent a year in Shanghai, taking in the culture and 
learning as much Mandarin I could. Currently, I work for Bentley Systems 
as an Account Manager for their Geo/Civil product lines.  

I am a fairly new Linux user but love the Open Source aspect of the OS.  
I'll be honest and say that I haven't had much experience with the open 
source GIS solutions as I've done most of my work with proprietary 
software in Windows.  

I hope to bring fresh ideas to help bolster Open Source GIS as an 
alternative, not a replacement, to proprietary software.  I think there 
is a time and place for both, with each having it's own benefits and 

I look forward to working with everyone here to make Open Source 
software better!  

Mike Goldberg

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