[OSGeo-Discuss] Call for help: GDAL and txt2shp.py

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Mon Jul 7 01:38:16 PDT 2008

Kjell Are Refsvik wrote:
> On 4. juli. 2008, at 02.46, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>> ...
>> You had mentioned to me earlier about GDAL/OGR from the infamous 
>> Kyngchaos package, right?
> Yes.
>>  Do you have the command "gdalinfo" and "ogrinfo"
> Yes:
> refsvik$ gdalinfo
> Usage: gdalinfo [--help-general] [-mm] [-stats] [-nogcp] [-nomd]
>                 [-noct] [-checksum] [-mdd domain]* datasetname
> refsvik$
> refsvik$ ogrinfo
> Usage: ogrinfo [--help-general] [-ro] [-q] [-where restricted_where]
>                [-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-fid fid]
>                [-sql statement] [-al] [-so] [--formats]
>                datasource_name [layer [layer ...]]
> refsvik$
>> - they will be your best friends soon.
> I am not completely sure how these two specific programs from the gdal 
> package relates to the challenge of outputting a png from 2 shapefiles 
> (map and legend).
>> Tyler
> Sincerely
> Kjell Are Refsvik

if you wonder about axis ordering find a short intro on the OSGeo Wiki:

Most importantly: don't despair, others have failed on this one before. Generally speaking - if you have a spatial data set without exactly knowing the source CS you are doomed. 

How did you get the GPS-data into your system? Using the software gpsbabel and ogr2ogr should help you to fully automate the process. If you need to repeat this process frequently you might want to use shp2img to create the image - no legend here but you might add the legend manually anyway as it will probably not change as quickly either. While you are at it - one step further will bring you to setting up a full fledged service, there is a whole bunch out there like a nice and shiny OpenLayers & featureserver.org combo or use MapServer as traditional OGC WMS to serve the data in a common standard interface.

Best regards, 

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